If you haven't noticed- many are buying, and selling, and moving these days. Its getting more and more of us to think about maybe doing the same. But, we hesitate. I want to debunk a few of the voices that we hear talking in our heads that cause hesitation and most times regret later on.
It's a buyers market, so better wait it out.
Can be a true statement, especially in this last real estate low. But, maybe consider some things before deciding to “wait it out.” Every home has its reasons others would want to buy it. Think about what got you to buy it? There are more reasons than just price that got you to buy your current home. Here are a few reasons to consider.
- Location
- Layout
- Charm
- Size
Once you locate these reasons, your home breaks free of just being another home. This is where the marketing needs to be focused. Have you ever seen that listing with a picture of the property and way over in the corner is this little house. The home is going to sell because it has land, right? My favorite are close up pictures on trim work and finishes that highlight a home's uniqueness. Focusing this way sells homes. Locate your home's strengths and you will get more for your home even in a “buyers market.”
Its a sellers market, so I better wait it out.
Also Can be a true statement. But consider, if you sell your home for more than you thought and you buy a home for more than you wanted to pay, its all relative, right? In other words, you really pay the same.
If you don't have a sell and buy situation, there is always a deal out there. You'll always find someone needing to get out from under their home for some reason. I have seen some of the best deals purchased in a “seller's market.” It requires proficiency in the area. Sometimes buyers are lucky too. There are many ways to find such properties and most real estate agents should be able to assist you if you need it.
I cant afford to move
Maybe you can!!! Your first step might be talking to a lender and see what programs are available. There are many programs for home loans and grants not being utilized. A great lender will offer a consult like this at no cost to you. Give them a chance to earn your business, right?
What if you move closer to work? We all know, less time in the car is more money out of your pocket. Maybe if your home had a home office, you wouldn't even need a car at all. Or maybe you wouldn't need to lease office space any more. If you your moving because of work, the IRS will pay you for doing such a thing. IRS Publication 521, Moving Expenses
Rents are comparable to paying for a home every month. Owning gets you tax breaks on your home and can make a difference if you're considering moving into a place of your own.
Maybe if you woke up every day in a home with more “charm” you would be more positive and productive. Mental health always equals more dollars in your pocket.
Moving forces us to go through everything. Maybe this going through everything gets us decluttered and eliminates the need for the storage unit we are paying for every month.
Have you considered co-ownership with a friend or family member? Could be worth it.
A simple investment property might be the answer. I have a friend that is living in a nice home with a separate home on the same lot. Before he purchased it, it was on the market for a long time. Both of us chuckle when he talks about how his rents from the second home pay for the both of them and he really lives in his home for nothing out of his pocket every month. I guess my friend was the first to think that through when he was the one to finally purchase the property.
My credit is bad
Maybe you're right. But do something about it. A lender is more than willing to strategize with you and at no cost.
Maybe you're wrong. Many misunderstand credit and what it takes to purchase a home. Get properly informed before you buy into this myth.
Its not worth selling my home
With so many ways to find out what your home might be worth, many are still not getting to the truth. Talk with a Realtor and get a comparative market analysis on your property. Its free. Realtors have access to sold, pending and active properties similar to yours and can be real. This information has been shocking for many. Your home might be worth more than you thought.
Maybe Ill move but where do I start?
Most go straight to the computer and start looking at homes. Its great to take action but there are other steps that need to be taken to ensure success. The first step is to talk with a lender. Figure out what you can afford.
Next, figure out what your needs and wants are. This sounds silly but, really, decide why you want to move, and what is important for you to have in your next home. Start this by thinking about where your favorite spot in your current home. Also, point out the parts of your current home you don't like or need any more. Lastly, Put it all together with a list of the things your home will have to have and what would be nice to have.
Last, just call a realtor. Tell them about your list. If they seem in a hurry to show you property, then call another realtor. Your success will be best with a realtor that is interested in knowing about your list before showing you a bunch of homes because they are in your price range.
Moving to a home that fits you is very exciting. I have seen peoples move become life changing for them. Don't let these myths rob you of such an experience.